I (sometimes) tee off** if I need support for reaching the next piece.
** Teeing off is where you will take your upper foot, fold it in front of your aiders to make a figure 4 shape, then trap it in place with the pressure of the adier being cammed into the wall by your lower foot. I’m assuming that single sentence doesn’t help without a visual so I’ll try again.
step 1: realize, “crap, I need to move up in my aiders but the angle of the wall is going to make me fall backwards!!!”
step 2: place your lower foot in the highest step of the ladder that you’ll need to accomplish said move.
step 3: using that lower foot, pull the aider back from the wall to give yourself space to place your other leg between the aider and the wall.
step 4: take your higher foot and fold it between the wall and the aiders; it will create a figure 4 shape where your toe is pointing down and your heel pointing up.
step 5: allow the aiders to move back to the wall by ceasing to pull the aiders back from the wall.
– this will have the effect of trapping your higher foot/leg in place between the aider and the wall
step 6. stand up on the lower foot now. You will notice that the camming action of the weight of your body pushing the aider against the wall will work against the higher leg that is trapped.
step 7: you are now teeing off and achieving the same counter-acting forces that are produced by using a fifi to pull down while you top step.
I might create images for this if anyone tells me to.